
Addressing the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 and the Modern Slavery Act of 2015

Kraton Corporation (“Kraton”) and each of Kraton’s wholly-owned subsidiaries (collectively, with Kraton, the “Kraton Group”) are committed to conducting business in an ethical and responsible manner, which includes complying with applicable slavery and human trafficking laws. This statement applies to the Kraton Group and details the Kraton Group’s systems and controls designed to ensure that slavery and human trafficking are not present in its supply chain.

Verification of the Supply Chain

Conflict Minerals: Kraton’s Conflict Minerals Policy (available at www.kraton.com) aims to prevent human rights violations, such as modern slavery and human trafficking, from occurring by detailing the expectations for the Kraton Group and for its suppliers regarding the responsible sourcing of minerals. Where required, the Kraton Group conducts supply chain due diligence in accordance with OECD guidance, engaging suppliers who have been identified as providing the Kraton Group with materials that either contain or potentially contain Conflict Minerals. In addition, the Kraton Group has implemented provisions for new supply contracts that require suppliers to provide supply chain transparency about the source of any Conflict Minerals.